5 Tips for Effective Learning in Primary School


The primary level of school is the most critical phase of the learning process because it is the time when we build a strong foundation of basic concepts regarding science, math, English, or any other subject that will prepare them for a better understanding of complicated concepts on the secondary and intermediate level.

Creating an effective learning environment improves student performance and increases student achievement.

Therefore, there is a great responsibility on parents and primary-level teachers to make children learn most efficiently and interestingly. Having developed an interest in studies, children will not take their studies as a burden; instead, they will enjoy it, making the learning process easy.

Here are some tips for primary school tutoring that will make learning effective and easy for student success.

Find Their Learning Style

We all learn differently. Some people learn instantly; some need a lot of practice to understand concepts. Likewise, please help your child or student find their learning style. Things will become easier to understand once they develop a particular learning style and memories. For example, some children do better if they write things over and over again, while some can only learn by merely reading anything repeatedly. Help them make a strategy and offer unique learning experiences.

Tackling the Failure

The fear of failure is the most significant hurdle in the learning process. If, to a greater extent, they can also lead them to withdraw from school. It is necessary to teach children that it is not the end of the world. 

Create an effective learning environment where children can confess their fears and address their concerns fearlessly. Your patience is the key to your student’s success. If they fail at something, then do not make a big deal out of it; instead, make them learn from it. Help them overcome it and tell them it’s normal to fail at first; do not let their failure hold them back from trying again. Please encourage them to work harder and try again. Meet their failure with empathy rather than anger.

Avoiding Comparisons

The major mistake that parents and teachers make at the primary state is to compare their children with other children to motivate them; on the contrary, it shuns their self-confidence, and they keep comparing themselves with other kids for the rest of their lives, which nullifies their individuality. Instead, compare your child with their previous progress; it will be more motivating for them.

Using the Right Language

Excessive praise or criticism always hurts your child’s behavior towards learning. Too much praise can inculcate within them pride, as a result of which they will stop studying and will think that they are ‘know-it-all.’ 

Similarly, if you criticize them or keep reminding them of their failure or compare them with other children, they might lose their self-interest and will, thus, lose interest in their studies and take it as a burden. Such a stressful […]