Vertical Addition and Subtraction Strategy2023-10-02T10:04:08-05:00

Posted by: Alesia Netuk

Updated: October 2nd, 2023

Vertical Addition and Subtraction Strategy

Vertical Addition and Subtraction Strategy

This article will explain the addition and subtraction of two- and three-digit numbers using a vertical strategy. The vertical strategy is when students place one number above the other according to the value it has. First hundreds, then ten and ones. In this method, students use vertical columns to add or subtract numbers. It may require regrouping (trading) – replacing the quantity of smaller or bigger parts without modifying its value.

In second grade, when kids develop fluency besides and subtraction of two-digit and three-digit numbers. There are many strategies students can use: jumping strategy, hundreds chart, split strategy, compensation strategy, block strategy, ten frames strategy, and mental strategy.

Since the end of the XXth century, some US programs, including TERC, decided to remove the traditional transfer method from their curriculum. This decision was criticized that is why some states and counties didn’t support this experiment.


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Vertical Addition and Subtraction without Regrouping

Vertical addition without regrouping.
The sum is less than 10, so no regrouping (trading) to the tens is required.

Vertical subtraction without regrouping.
Fewer tens are being taken away, so no regrouping (trading) is required.

vertical addition and subtraction
vertical addition and subtraction

Vertical Addition and Subtraction without Regrouping

Vertical addition with regrouping.
The addition will involve regrouping (trading) when two digits in the column make more than ten. 4 ones + 8 ones = 12 ones. We do not place more than 9 in a column. 2 = 1 ten and 2 ones, then 1 ten goes to the tens column and 2 ones stay in its column. 1 ten + 3 tens + 1 ten = 5 tens. All tens in its column now are added together.

Vertical subtraction with regrouping.
Subtraction with regrouping will appear when there are more ones, tens, or hundreds in the number being taken away. Students will trade digits from larger columns (tens will trade with hundreds, ones will trade with tens). 1 one – 3 ones = … We can not take away 3 from 1, so we need to regroup the tens column. 11 ones – 3 ones = 8 ones, while 6 tens – 1 tens = 5 tens.

Addition and subtraction worksheets:


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